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I knew of Sarah but didn’t have the privilege of meeting her until after I was diagnosed with cancer. She called me one day and wanted to know if she could stop by and just talk! She brought a huge satchel filled with devotion books, treats, search a words, magazines, puzzles and the list goes on. We made an instant connection and talked for hours. I felt as though I had known her my whole life. After that day, she would call periodically and say she was heading my way with a Blizzard and we would sit on the porch and talk. Sarah was a Godsend to me. She lifted me up numerous times and was always so happy and smiling from ear to ear. I can still see her “speed walking” in the neighborhood waving and always speaking. Sarah touched my heart and I am so thankful she called me that day. Stone, just know you were in every conversation. She lit up at the mention of your name. I am so grateful that I can say I knew her and loved her. What an awesome, precious soul! I love you, Sarah! Don and Stone, I will continue to pray for you both!