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Oh, what a beautiful picture!
Indeed Rosemary was always a beautiful lady. A lady with a quiet, dignified, beautiful soul! The beauty of her soul was reflected in the things that surrounded her: the beautiful music that she played on her piano, the beautiful paintings that she made, her beautiful house, her beautiful family and her beautiful faith. And I say her beautiful faith, because in the hour of her greatest trial, I have looked into her serene face and I understood that she was blessed with “that faith that surpasses all understanding!“
That faith she always wanted to share with others in her unique way, through the knowledge of of the Health Message. Because she knew, that in Health Message, one will also find that greater message that is the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ.
I believe that her greatest desire, was for all of us to be present at the feet of Jesus that resurrection morning when she will hear the words: “Well done, good and faithful servant!“