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Brenda Wall was love. Brenda Wall was service. Brenda Wall was kindness, Brenda Wall was the glue that kept Donald Wall in a continuous state of happiness. If you could not find happiness when you were around Brenda, then something was terribly wrong with you. She kept Hogchain together like a Mother keeps a family together.She was our friend, sometimes our Mother, our advisor and sometimes it went to arbitration. But she was always there.
I will miss her so much. And I will keep us all in my prayers .Joyce ,Val,Chris,George and Sam,Rick,Christi, Ann,and all the grandkids, We are all heartbroken but let us walk on in this life and be a beacon of Brenda and Donalds love and devotion to each other. Let us show that love to everyone we meet.
Farewell my friend and Rest in Peace.