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My wife Gwyn and I were invited to enjoy a Clergy Sabbatical at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville 2007/8 where we had the wonderful pleasure of meeting a very special young Priest. Matthew very quickly took us under his wing and his warm and generous hospitality encouraged us to settle in and experience a Sabbatical that neither Gwyn nor I will ever forget. We tried to get Matthew to bring a Pilgrimage to South Africa and he said that one day he would....!!
We kept in close contact over the next ten years and in 2017 Matthew invited me to "Care take" his Parish at Calvary Summit in New Jersey. He was again leading a Pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral as President of the Friends of Canterbury. Sadly we missed meeting each other but Matthew's gentle caring and serving presence at Calvary was very easily perceived in a Congregation that reflected the joy of a Priest who clearly was filled with the abundant Spirit and Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Gwyn and I will hold the memory of Matthew, a wonderful and dear friend, in our hearts and minds till that day comes when we will be reunited in the New Jerusalem.
Becky, you and your family are in our prayers as you Celebrate the life of your son Matthew. We love you.