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I can't believe I didn't know this memorial was created in memory of my Grandma my Grandma was and always will be one of the best and strongest woman anyone who knows or knew her would agree she was more than just a Grandmother to me and my brother and sisters and that of our children she was also a mother figure to us and the kids and everyone else ..this april will mark a year already since she passed away and it still doesn't seem like it happened it just doesn't seem to be real
The only reality of her gone is that I can't just pick up the phone and her answering the call or my phone ringing and it be her. I know that realistically we all have to leave one day but I never expected nor imagined that she would actually not be here one day and I wouldn't ever be able to see her anymore and that is the most traumatizing feeling ever if you could only feel the slightest of the pain I feel not having you anymore here Grandma..I love you soooooooooo much k