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We are sorry for the loss of Uncle Chuck. He will be missed for his humour and wit. He could be a bit annoying at times, but we probably have that ability too. We are relieved that he isn't in pain and we know his last days we difficult on his immediate family, who took the best care of him humanly possible. We are glad that the is in Jehovah God's memory and will one day in the future hear Jesus voice and awake from the sleep like state he's in now to a whole new world under God's Kingdom with his son, Christ Jesus as King. Uncle Chuck believed this to be true since his teenage years ,so I 'm not saying anything that he wouldn't agree with. Our prayers are now for his surviving family, Aunt Sally, and daughters: Laura, Lisa, Leah and their husbands, along with their children , grandchildren, and great grands who will be able to meet him in the future on a Paradise earth when " sickness and death will be no more.( Rev.21:3,4)