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Oh my precious “old man, my precious old goat”(that’s what you always called yourself to me). I can hear you saying it so clearly and my heart smiles! Your absence has ripped such a hole in my aching heart, but your mark on my life has left memories and a gift that can never be erased! You kept your promise to me, and I am so very thankful and honored that God allowed me to keep my promise to you! One more promise you made me is that you would find my beautiful baby girl as soon as you made it to Heaven and you’d kiss her and hold her and as you said,”you’d tote her all over heaven telling her about her mama and how much her sister and I miss her”. You promised that you’d “keep her a totin” until I got there to take her from you. I know in my heart that you are fulfilling that promise too! I didnt get years n years with you, but the time we had was so fulfilling and meaningful it couldn’t have been more if it had been longer. We bonded and shared so much in our time together. It was, and forever will be such a great honor that God chose “me” to take care of you! Truth is, I needed YOU way more than YOU needed ME! You were such a soothing balm to my shattered heart. I know without question and without doubt that Olivia sent us to each other. You were the highlight of the day every day! Your love for ABC, CBS, and FOX NEWS is embedded forever in my mind. I’ll never watch the news again without thinking of you and smiling! Every time I walk past “your chair”, I hear, “HEY KID! COME HERE”, or “HEY MY LOVE! WHATS FOR LUNCH”?! You loved and enjoyed everything we cooked at Halo and now you are feasting at the LORDS table! I’m sure he has plenty of dessert WITH ice cream! ? To hold your sweet hand as you took your last breath on earth and your first breath in heaven was and always will be one of the greatest honors bestowed on me. I’ll never forget it as long as I live. “I am ok”, as you said I would be, but my heart sure is hurting. Your absence from my life is physical, but in my mind and heart, you’ll always live and no one will ever fill that spot! Thank you precious love for allowing ME to be a part of your life! Thank you for allowing ME to hold your hand as you took the greatest journey of your life. Thank you for all the love and all the laughter you gave me! Thank you for bringing so much happiness to my broken heart. I’ll love you forever my “old goat”! Hold my baby so close. Until I get there, please remind her over and over how much she’s loved and missed. I love you “sweetheart”, (that’s what you always said to me) now it’s my turn to say it to you! Until the sun doesn’t shine again, I’ll love you and I’ll never forget you! Now walk all over heaven toting that baby of mine and watch that potty mouth ?? no telling inappropriate jokes to baby girl, ok? ??????? until we meet again…..