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When you scroll through these comments, there’s no need to say anything at all. Miss Martha lived her eulogy every single day. If there were more people in this world like Martha Lofton there would probably be no need for any psychiatric doctors. She not only could touch your heart with her words, but you also knew when she said something she truly meant it. I will always remember her smile and the way she never left a conversation without telling me she loved me. I hurt so deeply tonight when I say I will miss her, but my heart is thankful she is in Heaven tonight with Mr. Fleet and Russ Michael. Next to my own mother, she was the sweetest most humble Christian lady I have ever known, and I can’t wait to see her again one day. God bless all her precious sweet family tonight and those most dear to her heart. I feel honored and humbled to have known such a great lady. She was an angel on this earth and will forever live on in my heart. Love you all. —Amanda Rawls