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My heart tonight is broken for this sweet family and all that they have gone through in their lifetime. Since I was a little girl, I always felt Miss Martha’s love and Godly prescience every time I was around her. I knew as I grew into adulthood that she still would always speak to me anywhere she saw me…even after I had long graduated from high school and she could have been somewhat distant. But when I think of Miss Martha Lofton, I think of a lady who lived her eulogy every single day. She was who she was and she never left a conversation without telling you she loved you. I knew she loved me and I knew she meant every word she said. She had to endure pain and suffering on a level that most people will never understand; But she did it with grace and humility and the heart of a champion. I will cry tomorrow because I will miss Miss Martha, but rejoice in knowing she is in the prescience of her Savior. If there were more people in this world like Miss Martha Lofton, there would be no need for nerve medicine. Her doctor was Jesus, and her medicine was her Bible. God bless the life of one of His most special SAINTS, and may we all try to be more like her. For the life and legacy of Miss Martha Cato Lofton, I say thank you. She was without a doubt, the absolute very best. —-All my love, Amanda Byrd Rawls