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Mac was the first and best friend I’ve ever had . We were born together , we had every childhood adventure two people could have in a lifetime . I could not begin to tell you the milestones in life we shared together. It would take a novel. Maybe I’ll do that one day.
When young , he was a vibrant, bright red haired boy that was always a joy to go on adventures with. We were like Tom and Huck. We went on to be friends and share life for 59 years. There isn’t a person that was there to experience more of my life than. Kevin McManus. I’ll have a sorrow in my heart for the rest of my life without my buddy, my brother, my friend.
With that being said, I know the rarity, the luck and the blessing to have been blessed with a friend like him. If there is an upside to losing a friend. It’s the blessing of the times that we time spent together and the fact I’ll see him in heaven.
We were both saved at a young age. Thanks be to the Lord for he is a forgiving God. So I’ll see you again one day bro.