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I am so very sorry to hear of the loss to your family. I know how you all loved and cared for your Mom and grandmother vigilantly. I also know that all the angels of Heaven burst into song when Keith ultimately returned to the Father. For her, "going home" was the day she had worked toward all her life, and I am sure the most glorious day of her life.

She was a close friend of my Mother's, Dorris Nolan, and they worked together for years in various capacities at Faith Presbyterian, most recently as co-teachers of the Ruby Newman Sunday School Class, a group of highly accomplished women who had been sincerely studying and worshipping together for decades. I loved joining in the class when I was in Brookhaven with Mom, and particularly when Keith was teaching. She knew the Bible backwards and forwards, and loved it devoutly. She was a teacher at heart.

I remember once when Mother was not able to take me to the Jackson airport for a return flight to DC, and, of course, Keith was right there to offer help. I will never forget in the car we were talking about her life with her husband, and her service to the Lord. I shared that often when I was praying I would be distracted with thoughts wondering off to other things. Keith said, and I quote, "Happens to all of us. I call it swating flies in the throne room!".

What a wonderful example, friend, and force for the Lord she was.
I will be so happy to see her again someday. In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.


PS We enjoyed more than our share of her delicious, home-baked bread!