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To all of dear Steve's family: We are deeply grieved over Steve's passing. He was always very kind, and easy to talk with. He was a great cook! He shared some of his recipes with us, Even tho he suffered much, he was a trooper, always concerned about his mother, he loves her dearly. The bible gives us a beautiful hope that soon God will wipe all tears from our faces. Isaiah 25:8 tell us GOD HIMSELF has spoken it. The resurrection hope comforts us. Revelation 21:4 assures us death will be no more. John 11:41-44. Lazarus was restored to life. Soon our dear friend Steve will wake up from sleep to once again embrace his dear family and friends. What a re-union that will be!!!!! 1 peter 5:7 'Throw all your anxiety on Him ( GOD) because he cares for you'.