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The Dew of Heaven

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The Dew of Heaven

“I will be the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.” Hosea 14:5-6

Dew- water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces.

Dew is used in the Bible as a symbol of refreshment (Deut. 32:2, Psalm 133:3);

a symbol of the loving power of God which revives and invigorates (Prov. 19:12);

a symbol of the sudden onset of an enemy (2 Sam. 17:12); a symbol of brotherly love and harmony (Ps 133:3);

a symbol of God’s revelation (Judg. 6:36-40); and a symbol of God’s blessing (Gen. 27:28).

Dew is a mist, or thin small kind of rain, which falls upon the earth morning and evening in a very GENTLE way.

It is not manufactured or produced by the hands of man. The dew is at God’s disposal, and under direction and control!

In Palestine, little or no rain is known during the summer. Were it not for the heavy dew all vegetation would perish.

The coming down of the dew has been accounted one of God’s special blessings. What the dew is in the natural world,

causing the earth to soften, to bring forth; that is the Spirit of God to the soul of man. It softens the heart,

implants the principles of grace, sows the seed of eternal life, and puts forth all the evident tokens of a new creation within.

Dew comes only in the night. As the dew falls from heaven in the stillness of the night, so is the way of God’s grace.

The dew descending makes no noise. It comes silently without footsteps, without trumpeting of any kind,

the most delicate ear cannot hear. It visits every bud and blade of grass. It does not visit the big trees and forget the little plant.

The dew comes so gently that the feeblest can bear it. No blade of grass can be injured by the dew.

God’s presence and influence comes as close to men as the dew to the flower. It is inspiring to know that ours is not a

God who lives only in the light of His own majesty, but He dwells with the humble everywhere.

He not only rides in the rolling chariot of the stormy skies, or sits in silence above the crested billows of the heaving ocean,

but He stoops to earth and kisses the face of the flowers with His presence, and touches the weak and the weary with a tenderness

that surpasses that of the dew as it rolls into the heart of the lily, and becomes a hidden fountain of strength and refreshment.

Even when you lie down at night, the Dew of Heaven falls silently, gently refreshing your soul and spirit.

The dew is the silent blessing of God.

Larry Fletcher

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