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Genesis 1:1
It has been said that if you can believe the first four words of the Bible then you will have no problem believing the rest of Scripture. In fact, since God exists and is all powerful (can do anything He wishes), the miracles and wondrous works recorded in the Bible are not beyond His capabilities. As Almighty God, He can and did create exactly as the Genesis account reveals. He can influence this world to conform to His purpose as He did in the Red Sea crossing. He can call out men to His service, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, the disciples, etc. Indeed, if you believe “In the beginning God,” then there is no room for doubt about His revelation of Himself to us through His Word.
God first revealed Himself as the Creator. He spoke into existence all that is in six literal twenty four hour days. This truth has been attack by the world and even by those in the faith because of the relatively recent theory of evolution. Some believe that there is no God and that all things came into existence through time and chance. Some say that God created using evolution over many millions of years, but God said He did it in six days and rested on the seventh. Since He is God and He has said what He did and how He did it, who are we to suggest otherwise? Jesus confirms the creation account as He spoke about marriage in Mark 10:6, “But from the beginning of creation, God ‘made them male and female.’” “In the beginning God.”
God has also revealed Himself as Sustainer. To Abraham, He was known as Jehovah-Jireh, “The God Who Provides.” Jesus spoke to the crowds around Him saying, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” He equated His provision with faith. Again, if we believe “In the beginning God,” and “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,” then “all these things will be added to you.”
I say all these things to get to this point: Why don’t we put God “in the beginning” of all that we do? Since He was and is the Creator and Sustainer of everything including us, why not trust Him more than we do for the things we need? Faith begins with God, so let’s change our thinking. Let’s start putting God “In the beginning” of all our activities.
“In the beginning (of our ________ ) God”: Day; do we start every morning with God? Worship; Are we focused on Him when we come to church? Relationships; do we listen to God’s promptings about who we make our friends or companions. Financial planning; Is He pleased with the way we use His gift of money? Job search; what would He lead us to do? Conversations; would we say that around God? Choice of schools; is that where He wants you to attend?
The applications go on and on. To be called a “Christian” means that we will, like Christ, say, “Not my will but thine be done, O LORD.” Put God in your beginnings.

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