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A lost art of the American Society is that of stillness. Even here in the South with our so called “laid back culture,” we do not know how to be still.
The Lord of scripture, in Psalm 46:10, gives to His people two imperative commands. If we would follow these, they would give us a “peace that passes all understanding” and a spiritual strength for this journey of life. His commands, “Be still and know that I Am God.”
The command of being still is just as important as knowing Who God is. Yes, we want to know God, but do we want to go through the pain of being still? Being still gives us the idea of quietness of soul. It means to cease striving or stop fighting against God. Stop exerting “self” before God.
But stillness is a daily battle among all of us. We live in a hurry up society. We don’t want to wait or be quiet. Society has programed us not to be still. We have “drive-through” food, “drive-through” wedding chapels, “drive-through” funeral parlors. We even have “drive-in” churches. Not only does our society battle stillness, so does satan. He does not want us to be still and know God.
The second part of the command from this great Psalm 46 is “knowing Who God is.” The Lord’s command is “you” know that “I Am God”.
Author, Phil Yancey, said, “It is the stillness that prepares us for the knowing.” What greater thing could ever take place in my life than knowing God.
As we read Psalm 46, we realize that to “be still and know God,” is a great challenge to do. If we would do that, we would know that, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” We would know that He alone, is the exalted God of the universe.
“Be still and know God!”
Bro. David Moree

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