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Nearness is Likeness

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James 4:8 Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you.  Amplified Bible

(Come close to God and He will come close to you.)  Psalms 145:18 The Lord is

nigh unto all them that call upon Him. The definition of likeness is resemblance,

portrayal,  sameness.

   A serious and often distressing problem for many of us, is our feeling that God

is far from us, or that we are far from God, which is the same thing.  It is hard to

rejoice in the Lord when we are suffering from this sense of remoteness. It is like

trying to have a warm bright summer day without the sun. God is Spirit, and spirit

dwells not in space. Space has to do with matter and spirit is independent of it.

God swallows up all space. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?”  He fills heaven and earth

as the ocean fills the bucket that is submerged in it, and the as the ocean surrounds the

bucket so does God in the universe He fills. The heaven of heavens cannot contain thee!

God is not contained… He contains.

Always remember…To be near Him, is to be like Him…  I John 4:17 Herein is our love

made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement: BECAUSE AS



Note the words to the blessed old hymn written by Fanny Crosby.” I AM THINE O LORD”

I am thine O Lord, I have heard thy voice. And it told Thy love to me, But I long to rise

in the arms of faith, and be closer drawn to thee.

Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, To the cross where thou has died, Draw me

nearer, nearer precious Lord. To THY precious bleeding side.

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